Norah Guide and all of us at Premium Astrology would like to extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to those grieving and mourning the tragic and senseless loss of life in Newtown, Connecticut. If you have been following my Tumblr blog, you know, predicting a tragedy is not something I am in the business of doing. I am, as we all are, as deeply saddened, stunned, and shaken by the recent events that have shocked this country, and the world, as you all are. My love is offered to every one suffering, and loving those that need it most during this time is the best path for healing. But, as you can imagine, I am often asked, how could someone in the business of predictions not know this was going to happen? My simple answer to that is, free will. It is not something anyone can predict.

But at the same time, we all are asking why. Could there have been ANYTHING in the astrology that could have seen this? Is there ANYTHING that can even help us understand a little better. That is exactly what I am going to discuss today. Let’s keep a realistic perspective on this one though folks. All I can do is offer you the planetary information on suggestions that may have had an effect on this horrific event. I can not tell you why, nobody can. A man at the highest level of authority in law enforcement in the United States who has seen and understood some of the most horrific crimes to ever occur spoke on 60 minutes days after the fact and even he is stumped. We all are. There is no easy answer to such a horrible tragedy. But for those of you that may be comforted by an astrological perspective, this is what I can offer you today. View full article »